Monday, October 1, 2007

Where is this going?

It has taken me a while to put something up here because I had nothing to say really....I don't think that I should blog about nothing....right? Well not that this blog will be life changing for anyone or anything I felt that this topic was good enough to start off my page.....

So picture are standing in an office with people that you are trying to impress because you are at work and you think that even though no one notices any ones hard work ever that you will beat the odds. You are holding a small box with a green post it note attached to it and you are talking to the main boss for the department. You are nervous because you have never interacted with this person before.

He asks you if he wrote his extension on the post it and you go to look at it and you can not find it. You look on the floor and you look like a fool because as you are looking for it everyone else sees exactly where it is on your armpit......don't try to figure out how it got there because it is not going to make a bit of difference.....then after you try to laugh that off and things are wrapping up you start to make your way towards the door.....just then the box slips and you try to catch it, but when you do that you end up just hitting the extremely light box in the air, you try again thwarting it into the air a second time then it hits a shelf and knocks things off of it......what will happen next......nothing.....I left with my head hung in shame and now the entire department refers to me as the funny one! GREAT!

1 comment:

faintnot said...

That's my Leah!!!!!!!!!!!!!