Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So i got to go see WALL-E tonight. I loved it. I think that he is my twin!
Anyway, there was this part....oh if you have not seen it stop reading this! Anyway, so there was a part in the movie, after you discover how WALL-E longed for affection and companionship, that his new friend shut down (they are robots) anyway, when she shuut down he did not understand and he tried to protect her, and keep her comfortable all the while draging her shell around with him where ever he went. It was so funny all the things that he went through to be the best friend that he could be without understanding what he was supposed to do.
Later in the movie she sees everything that he did for her while she was shut down and she realizes how great of a friend he is.

I just thought that it was neat becuase even though she was not aware of all he did until way later, he still did it, not knowing what the outcome would be.

there are really two ways of looking at this.....

One, Sometimes even when we do not see it, God is moving and doing things in our lives that is for our good. We may not see it or understand it until way later.....that is why it is important to remember that in times when we "shut down" and thank God for all he is doing.

two, is that sometimes we need to recognize that there are others that are "Shut down" and they need us to help them out. keep them safe, and wait by their side without expecting them to understand. I think it makes it easier for them to see God in it all and later they will see the big picture and really be moved by what was done. That is what matters most.

Also there were animated fat people in that move.....very funny!

1 comment:

faintnot said...

I can't wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!