Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This morning I woke up went to the bathroom in a daze, felt like I had to sneeze, and because I was in the bathroom alone did not do the best job of covering my mouth, next thing I know the bathroom is covered in blood splatter. It took me a second and the felling of ooze running down my face to realize that I was losing my life juice from my nose. I grabbed some tissue and covered my face, trying to save the precious juice from ruining my clothing. I leaned my head back and headed downstairs to get some paper towel, more absorbent! I had to intermittently check to see if the bleeding was stopped, and eventually it was. I was in such a daze when it happened that I forgot that there was blood all over the bathroom walls until Kevin came home and found it! Sorry!

After that all settled down I checked my e mails and facebook account. made some phone calls to doctors and the insurance company and then started baking for Christmas morning. In between batches I wrapped the last of the gifts and played with the dogs.

Then I realized that I really like my tree and the atmosphere that it brings to the house! It feels like I just put it there and made it cute! That was a disastrous day! My goodness! Sometimes I think that people try to make my life miserable on purpose!

Anyway, so i really love him(the tree) and the lights......if everyone kept their Christmas stuff up all year then it would not be weird.....so who is with me?

We can start a revolution........

1 comment:

faintnot said...

i need to drop by and check for new posts more often...to think I did not know you bled all over the bathroom is crazy...are you okay?